- A scripted comedy set in the fictional town of Timms Valley, Wisconsin, where the lives and livelihoods of its citizens are intertwined with the fate of the town's biggest employer, Timms Industrial Piping. When the company's founder and CEO goes missing in a plane crash, the lives of the characters are turned upside d…
- Kroll Show is an American sketch comedy television series created by and starring comedian Nick Kroll, John Levenstein, and Jonathan Krisel serve as the show's executive producers.
- Katherine Oldham sees a homeless man in the park, feeding the pigeons. He looks perfect. Her brother, Fitzhugh, his mind either on a bird or his butterfly collection, absent-mindedly agrees. She brings the old man inside and feeds him some stew. The man dimly suspects something is wrong when the eccentric brother blurt…
- The host for the episode is Eric Idle (his third appearance), and the musical guest is Kate Bush. The skits for this episode are as follows: The telepsychic takes questions from callers about the future, giving each one the same answer. Julia Child demonstrates how to prepare a roast chicken and proceeds to slice her h…