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  • 电影剧情
  • Actually this film is not entirely original, it is a parody based on the great French short film "Le Ballon Rouge" (The Red Balloon - 1956). Saw this tonight as part of a short film program at a The Chauvel Cinema in Sydney. Dream Doll was Oscar nominated in the Animation category. If anyone ever reads these …
  • The good deeds of a well-meaning fellow are repaid with ingratitude and malevolence. This is too much for our friend and he begin to rival the Devil in his maliciousness. Giving that he so far overdoes it that the Devil is even upset. In the end he returns to his original temperament.This was the debut film of Zlatko G…
  • 本动画片讲述了一个非常可笑的有关“坚持就是胜利”的故事。四个小提琴手正在拉奏和谐曲,一个嘴吹长号的家伙走了过来,不和谐的噪音令四个小提琴手非常恼火,他们将他收拾了一顿。但吹长号的家伙就像赶不走的苍蝇,虽然被揍了许多次,还是不知廉耻地凑身过来,为彻底将他撵走,四个小提琴手试了许多办法,终被打败。后来,他们配合着他的长号声…
  • This is a film about an exceptional pig that could sing. Even though he could sing, all people could See in him was roast pork. The pig finds himself in a number of difficult situations, but he is saved at the last minute. In the end, he ends up as do many mi¬sunderstood artists.Zlatko Grgic's comical story of an opera…
  • Maxim, now a Marxist agitator going by the name of Fyodor, organizes strikes against the production of military equipment, culminating in open revolt against the Czarist forces.
  • 五位土耳其导演分别拍摄的五段发生在伊斯坦布尔的故事,交叉讲述,却不着痕迹,浑然一体。
  • 电影剧情
    莱昂内尔(爱德华·诺顿 Edward Norton 饰)有着非常悲惨的过去,母亲在他很小的时候就撒手人寰,无依无靠的莱昂内尔被送进了孤儿院,幸运的是,在这里,他遇见了名为弗兰克(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)的男子,在孤儿院里摸爬滚打这么多年,弗兰克一直对莱昂内尔提供着保护和帮助。离开孤儿院后,弗兰克成立了一家私人侦探所,莱昂纳尔…
  • 电影喜剧
  • 时尚新直播
    Rocco Leo Gaglioti travels the world interviewing stars and fashion designers from all over the world to showcase on his show Fashion News Live