- A nostalgic journey through '80s Sc-Fi films, exploring their impact and relevance today, told by the artists who made them and by those who were inspired to turn their visions into reality.
- Pier Paolo Pasolini wanted to shoot his film about Jesus, Il vangelo secondo Matteo (1964), in the Holy Land itself. But during a trip to scout locations, it became clear that this would be impossible: the modern world had become visible in too many places. Andrei Ujica interweaves footage of this visit, in which Pasol…
- 《Come Come Everybody》为NHK预定于2021年秋季播出的第105部晨间小说连续剧,由上白石萌音、深津绘里、川荣李奈主演。 故事描述大正末期日本广播开始之年,祖母安子出生于冈山县的和菓子店,为人温柔直率的安子每天被红豆香气所包围,并祈愿日后家庭的幸福与长久,但战争夺走了她的丈夫,自己也受到开播的英语广播节目影响,将女儿瑠衣独自…
- 9月から10月までの間、ヤマハミュージックリテイリングchにて「響け!ユーフォニアム」の北宇治カルテットをはじめとした出演声優や音楽スタッフ、ヤマハのおすすめアーティストが登場するトークショー、ミニコンサートを開催し、生放送でお届けします。いずれも無観客で開催、無料で視聴できます。 北宇治カルテットの4名がヤマハ銀座コン…