- It's a freezing winter morning and Christmas is just around the corner.Pororo the penguin and his beloved friends (Eddy, Loopy, Poby and Crong) return from the woods where they have cut a Christmas tree, ready to celebrate the festivity. They’ve just finished decorating the tree, when they receive a shocking message di…
- 延续第一部的史诗故事,柯拉(索菲亚·波多拉 Sofia Boutella 饰)与幸存的战士准备好豁出一切,与勇敢的碧草星居民并肩作战,即使村落不复往日和平,仍是对抗母星失败的人们寻得的新家园,这一切,就靠他们来守护。最终大战前夕,这群战士必须面对各自的过往,也揭露他们究竟为何而战。当叛军势力星火燎原,王国大军倾巢而出准备平息动乱,战友…