- 第38季第11期 CNN的Piers Morgen节目,请来了处于风口浪尖的前环法冠军阿姆斯特朗,他将为他的服禁药事件做出解释....本期嘉宾Jennifer Lawrence,刚刚赢得金球奖的Jennifer对她在颁奖典礼上的出言不逊做了澄清,随后又对奥斯卡上和她竞争最佳女主角的几位女演员进行了点评.....星巴克新推出的Verismo咖啡机,能根据您的语音为您带来您想…
- Nick and Honey Addams return home to find their baby-sitter, Jess Lake, murdered. She was tied to a bed and indeed often posed for bondage and fetish shots for photographer Marion Hammond. She also worked in a university lab with her boyfriend Gideon's father Dr. Massey, who is divorced from his unfeeling wife Stanza. …
- American academic Paul Yelland faces accusations of racism when he presents his theory on Criminal Dangerousness to an Oxford college and is later found murdered. Married professors Anne and Robert Fraser claim they invited him to raise their department's profile and Robert,who is having an affair with student Nina, po…
- When lonely feminist lecturer Miranda Thornton is found dead after a video she submitted to a dating agency is viciously made public on a scurrilous website,the first conclusion is suicide. But,with her answer phone removed and finger prints wiped,foul play is suspected. Miranda opposed property developer David Connell…
- After a dinner two of the guests go missing; one of them a police officer who was having an affair with the host's wife and the other a man who had just found a notebook which may have contained a motive to murder or to be murdered! Not long afterwards a body is discovered; strangely it had been prepared for burial; it…
- 一个女人躺在诺丁汉的公寓里死了,她惊恐的妹妹躲在浴室里。凌晨两点,一个穿着血迹衬衫的年轻人因超速被警察拦下。这三个人那天下午才见过面——在那致命的几个小时里发生了什么?接下来要做的就是这两名幸存者所说的话。Birger Larsen是《the Killing》的导演,他来到英国执导这部大胆、混乱、引人入胜的纪录片风格的谋杀剧。在长达一小时的叙…