搜索 十八

  • 电视剧
  • [HBO] HD. 'A Sesame Street Thanksgiving.' Elmo, Big Bird, Rosita and the rest of the neighborhood gather for Thanksgiving.
  • 电视剧励志
    黄元帅(张博 饰)本来打算去军校深造,成为一名军人为祖国添砖加瓦,然而,大哥的突然离世和大嫂的失踪让他对于未来的计划彻底的泡了汤。为了抚养大哥留下的三个可怜的孩子,黄元帅成为了一名公交车司机,突然多了的这三个拖油瓶让黄大帅的女友选择了离他而去。一场意外中,黄大帅的家给一把火烧的精光,无处可去的一家五口遇见了善良的女老师…
  • 第四十八届超级碗
  • 与星共舞第十八季
    This season’s dynamic lineup of stars -- including two Olympic Gold Medalists, a game show host, a swimming legend and a teen pop star – will perform for the first time on live national television with their professional partners during th…
  • 电视剧剧情
    故事发生在日寇统治下的伪满时期。常青(王丽坤 饰)是位爱国医生,她长期利用职务便利秘密帮助抗联筹措药品,这点连与她朝夕相处的丈夫定邦(于和伟 饰)也不知道。夫妻二人商量决定,离开满州去关内生活,恰在此时常青得知,敌人将有大批军火入境,她让定邦先走,自己则留下阻止,不明就里的定邦不明白常青单独留下的目的,心中很是疑虑。定邦…
  • 综艺真人秀
    The eighteenth season of the American competitive reality television series Hell's Kitchen (officially known as Hell's Kitchen: Rookies vs. Veterans) began airing on September 28, 2018 on Fox. Gordon Ramsay returns as host and head chef, and Season 10 winner Christina Wilson and British MasterChef judge James "Joc…
  • 忠臣藏之恋第四十八个忠臣
  • 无声的证言第十八季
    Three people, the Lakhanis, an Indian couple, and an employee are shot dead by a long range sniper on a garage forecourt - a seemingly motiveless crime. Ten miles away another victim, profoundly deaf Hannah Smithson, is also shot, though her boyfriend's brother Chris, targeted with her, survives but is unable to help w…
  • 电视剧
    苗戚定情作。意外横死的黄秋发(苗侨伟),死后误闯地狱。为了还阳,发答应替魔鬼(冯淬帆)收买灵魂,并寄身于富商商振宇(苗侨伟分饰)身上。发初接触上流社会,尽享荣华富贵,不禁大喜。 化身为宇的发对挚友林天光(廖启智)照顾有加,光大惑不解,后两人终相认。其后,发邂逅张乐雯(戚美珍),展开热烈追求。另一方面,发与宇之管家清姐(罗兰)、雯之…