搜索 卡洛斯

  • 电影家庭
  • 当宝拉在被丈夫费尔南多强奸后发现自己有潜在受虐倾向,他们因为性而不满的婚姻生活发生了变化。西莉亚是一个恶毒的年轻女子,她在一个公园里遇到了她。最后谁是谁的奴隶又谁是谁的主人?
  • 小女孩安娜随妈妈住在精神病院里,某天院里遭遇可怕的恶火龙袭击,妈妈却无端被囚禁,而爸爸又远在他方。她决定冒险潜逃出去,踏上万里寻父的旅程,回来拯救亲爱的妈妈。病院里的好朋友布鲁诺自告奋勇同行,还带上一群奇怪又滑稽的生物,展开这趟笑声与泪声交织的救援大冒险。
  • A violent, political and very erotic brazilian drama (with musical parts) about a group of textile female workers in an industrial Sao Paulo neighborhood.English, french and Spanish SRT subtitles.PLOTAurélia, a young black woman who works at a factory and lives in a working-class neighborhood in São Paulo, is seeing Fá…
  • En"PATAKIN" se conjugan símbolos y creencias afines a la "santería", religión de descendencia africana con infinidad de adeptos en toda la isla. La película se basó en Paladá Sulú,obra de teatro del reconocido dramatur…
  • 电影剧情
    A washed-up circus performer must overcome his demons in order to save his brother who has been falsely convicted of a crime in a foreign land and sentenced to death.
  • In a small zoo, the arrival of the hippopotamus Zafari is celebrated by neighbours of opposing social classes. Ana, Edgar and their son Bruno watch all the action from the windows of their decadent high-class building. Amidst a chaos of food, water and electricity shortages, the family has to solve everyday problems an…
  • 从事家政服务的女孩亚松森因雇主的专横对待而愤愤不平,即使在访客面前雇主也不停地羞辱她。雇主一家准备第二天去卡塔赫纳度假,离开前雇主要求亚松森在她不在的时候该怎么做,强加了一个不给她休息时间的工作时间表。雇主一家离开后,亚松森打电话给她的朋友们,让他们来雇主家里举办派对。