The film consists five short film segments. The five short films of Putham Pudhu Kaalai talk about hope, love, and new beginnings in the COVID-19 pandemic.
A spectacular rise and a hard fall. So it can be resumed the life of Simonal. Phenomenon of popularity in the 1960s, Simonal saw his meteoric career fall apart when he was accused of collaborating with the dictatorship.
Juca Valente (Leandro Hassum) é dono de um quiosque no litoral de São Paulo e só quer saber de diversão. Eterno namorador, ele detesta grandes responsabilidades e não pensa em ter nada sério com ninguém. Mas sua vida toma um rumo totalmen…
继法拉利之后,又一位意大利汽车业大亨的生平故事将被搬上银幕,他就是费鲁齐欧·兰博基尼(Ferruccio Lamborghini)。这部影片暂名为《兰博基尼:传奇》(Lamborghini – The Legend),由前段时间刚刚去宣布将重拍诺兰《记忆碎片》(Memento)的AMBI集团制作。影片将涵盖兰博基尼的整个人生,包括他二战中当空军机械师的经历、制造拖拉机起家…