搜索 唐纳德·特朗普

  • 电影
    After three decades, the U.S. Air Force One aircrafts will soon be retired. In their place is a new, 747 jumbo jet that has been transformed into the flying White House. THE NEW AIR FORCE ONE: FLYING FORTRESS follows the classified mission to create the new presidential aircraft and provides an inside look at the cutti…
  • 电影
    After one of the most shocking presidencies in history, Donald Trump’s top advisers and the leaders who clashed with him lift the lid on the critical moments of his foreign policy.
  • 电影
    Giancarlo Granda, former pool attendant at the Fontainebleau Hotel, shares the intimate details of his 7-year relationship with a charming older woman, Becki Falwell, and her husband, the Evangelical Trump stalwart Jerry Falwell Jr.
  • 电视剧励志
    “飞黄腾达”(原名为“the apprentice”,又名“学徒”)是一套美国NBC电视台播放的真人秀节目,节目是在一群壮志雄心的商界男士与商界女强人中,选拔一个年薪25万美元的人,成为美国著名地产大王Donald Trump的徒弟,为Trump集团效力的比赛。\r\n  “飞黄腾达”第一季在2004年春季筹办,制作执行官是Mark Burnett(其代表作有著…
  • 电视剧真人秀
    即将在NBC电视台1月10日(周四晚9点档)首播的真人秀《名人学徒》(The Celebrity Apprentice)是在纽约地产大亨唐纳德?特朗普的招聘真人秀节目《学徒》的第七季。\r\n  参加名人版《学徒》的选手有演员、摇滚歌星、体育冠军等等,他们在地产大亨唐纳德? 特朗普的监督下完成商业任务。参赛规则与前六季保持一致,每周将以小组的形式执行不…
  • 电视剧真人秀
    Sixteen candidates, all affected by the economic crisis, arrive in New York City for a 13-week job interview with Donald Trump. Trump divides them into teams and tasks them with creating a modern workspace. A fight breaks out on one team, and on the other side, the leadership abilities of the Project Manager are called…
  • 特朗普的世界舞台第一季