搜索 大卫·苏切

  • 远近闻名的百万富翁理查德(约翰·卡森 John Carson 饰)去世了,为他的后代们留下了巨额的遗产。虽然所有人都为理查德的死感到伤心和遗憾,但也有一些人在心里偷着乐,尤其是那些经济上遭遇了危机的亲戚们,理查德的遗产无疑是降临在久旱的大地上的一场及时雨。理查德的妹妹科拉(莫妮卡·杜兰 Monica Dolan 饰)语出惊人,声称自己的哥哥是被…
  • Poirot attends the Victory Ball, a costume party where you are expected to dress as someone famous, as himself. However, when two members of a party of six dressed as characters from classical Italian comedy are subsequently found dead, Poirot finds himself working with Chief Inspector Japp to solve the case. The solut…
  • 沉迷于美食中的波洛,依然保持着对犯罪的敏锐嗅觉——有人改变了保持十年之久的饮食习惯,胡乱点了不合情理的菜肴——什么事将要发生吗?果然,三周后这位盖斯科因先生在家中意外身亡,而波洛的怀疑对象却拥有铁打的不在场证明……且看波洛如何将种种蛛丝马迹连成一条完美的推理之链!其中最重要的一环,便是那令人匪夷所思的二十四只黑画眉……
  • 作为英格兰最古老家族的主人,韦弗利先生受到前所未有的挑战----数日内,三封扬言要绑架他三岁儿子的匿名敲诈信陆续送到他手上。第一封信要求2万5千英镑,第二封要求3万英镑,第三封信要求5万英镑,第四封指出绑架的最后期限,第二天中午12点。波罗应邀赶到,大团警察也闻讯赶来支援,谁料,众目睽睽下,神秘绑匪还是成功而准时地将孩子掳走………
  • James Bentley is tried for the murder of Abigail McGinty, the charwoman of Broadhinny who also took in Bentley as her lodger. The evidence is overwhelming, and soon after he is sentenced to hang. Superintendent Spence is not convinced of the man's guilt, and so he visits Poirot, asking him to look into the case. Poirot…
  • Poirot is enlisted by Japp to help solve a mystery that took place on Bonfire Night in a mews flat. A Mrs. Allen was found shot, apparently a suicide, but she was holding the gun that killed her in the wrong hand, and foul play is suspected. Furthermore, the ash-tray in the room contained the stubs of Turkish cigarette…
  • 作为巨额财富的唯一继承人,年轻的佛罗伦斯成为一大群贪财近利者追求的目标,应其父亲的要求,波洛答应对他的追求者进行观察。一个周末,在开往斯托的普利茅斯特快列车上,佛罗伦斯遭人暗杀,尸体被藏在包厢的座位下面,随身携带的满满一箱珠宝不翼而飞。而仆人提供的线索表明,当时曾有一个深色头发的陌生男人与佛理伦斯在一起……为查明真相,…
  • Poirot and his friend Captain Hastings find themselves investigating the murder of Count Foscatini, who was found in his flat. As it turns out, the dead man's valet, Mr. Graves, has been dating Miss Lemon and has been less than honest with her about his profession. As for the dead nobleman, the police believe he was be…
  • Lady Chatterton asks for Poirot's assistance when she comes to fear for the safety of her friend, Marguerite Clayton. Specifically, she is convinced that Marguerite's husband Edward Clayton, known for his violent temper, will kill her. Poirot is invited to a party in order to meet Clayton, but he never shows up. The ne…
  • 一个雨天,黑斯廷斯建议心情沮丧的波罗外出度假散心。在长途汽车站的售票处,黑斯廷斯注意到同车的一个年轻女孩子,而一个同样留着八字胡、穿着潦倒、举止粗鲁的男人则引起了波罗的注意。在车上,年轻女孩告诉黑斯廷斯,她随身携带了一个价值1500英镑的古董人物缩型。在中转站吃中饭时,女孩惊愕地发现,行李箱中的古董缩型不见了!黑斯廷斯挺身…