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  • 动漫动漫
  • 电影恐怖
    贝斯(艾米莉亚·琼斯 Emilia Jones 饰)和维拉(泰勒·希克森 Taylor Hickson 饰)是个性大相径庭的两姐妹,两人跟随母亲前往亲戚家留下的别墅居住,谁知道一家人却被两个变态盯上了。在母亲的奋勇抗争下,贝斯和维拉逃过一劫,长大后,贝斯将自己的这一段经历 写成了一本小说,并因此一炮而红,成为了畅销作家榜上的常客。与此同时,这段恐怖…
  • 宁静的夜晚,快乐的恶流浪汉——黑猫巴奇(Butch)正雄赳赳气昂昂地从垃圾堆中捡走过,他推着一辆破婴儿车,俨然超市的购物车。每走过一个垃圾桶,巴奇都要翻腾一遍寻找残羹冷炙。这时,他的目光被大房子门前的牛奶所吸引。他悄悄走过去,可是早已被汤姆捷足先登拿进了屋里。巴奇又想偷放在窗台的烤肉,结果又被汤姆无意间夹到双手。愤怒的巴奇…
  • The Lovedolls return from their untimely demise in this 1986 sequel to DESPERATE TEENAGE LOVEDOLLS. Patch Kelley becomes Patch Christ, the leader of an acid-damaged religious cult who rescues has been Kitty Karryall from a boozy, wasted life. Once reunited, they recruit Sunset Boulevard hooker Alexandria "Cheetah&…
  • 电影剧情
    Tori Alvarez - a sexy 18 year old Mexican American girl is struggling to be the first in her family to graduate from high school. She begins a torrid affair with an older cop who happens to be the Father of her best friend. The affair triggers a chain of events that will change the lives of those around her, forever. S…
  • The story of a couple of bozos named Scott and Nick who try to bring Scott's girlfriend Stacey's favorite doll to life by practicing weird rituals. After that fails, the two give up, and later the doll suddenly comes to life all by itself. As it turns out, the doll is possessed by the devil (surprise, surprise) and it …
  • MAMA'S GOLD is a heartfelt story of one woman (China Mama) and her 300 ethnic orphans, aged from 2 to 17 years old, many who are survivors of the devastating earthquakes and poverty that struck southwest China in 1996 and 1998. Seen through the close observation of the orphanage's daily life and juxtaposed with the fil…
  • 电影剧情
  • 巴州秀才康中树的父亲在京被奸臣诬告入狱,康中树进京途中夜宿强盗霸占的寺院被谋财害命,康中树的冤魂附身布娃娃,由妻子韩玉梅带着历经各路鬼神阻拦终于进京向在庙里上香的太后告上了御状,最终沉冤得雪,康中树也通过借尸还魂与妻子团圆。