搜索 尼克莱

  • 警员汉斯有着不光彩的过去,发展一直受阻。在一次突击查案过程中,上司误认为他与犯罪团伙有染,强迫他去休假。岂料安静在家休息的汉斯,无缘无故被卷入到了一起网络诈骗案件中。为了摸清整个事件的来龙去脉,也为了自己的清白,汉斯只得深入犯罪组织中。
  • Singapore Sling is chasing after Laura, a romantic memory from his past. One night he finds himself in a mysterious villa, watching two women bury a body. He falls into their trap and, in an atmosphere of isolation and decadence, the trio act out insane pleasure games and a ritual of blood and murder.
  • 罗伯特和卡尔是一对靠贩毒为生的挚友,两人在城里的生意越做越大,连财大气粗的格伦都愿投资与其合作。然而迫于警察调查的压力,也因看到身边的朋友深陷毒瘾不可自拔的痛苦后,罗伯特与卡尔开始在人生的迷惘中渐渐苏醒过来,他们决定还清债务之后就洗手不干,然而利益与罪恶的纠结怎能是说放就能放开的呢?影片充分结合了上世纪70年代末到80年代…
  • The most uncompromising and interesting Greek director strikes again!It's been a while since I last saw a Nikolaides film, one of the pioneering and original uncompromising Greek directors, if not the only one. I thought "Tha se do stin kolasi agapi mou" (=I will see you in hell my love), was part of the Sing…
  • 电影
    A small provincial town is buzzing with excitement: the town's most illustrious son, a world-famous opera singer, is coming home. Meanwhile, Sebastian, a kitchen boy who is as good as married, falls head over heels in love with the new maid, Maria. Their love affair, along with rumours that the opera singer and the kit…
  • “Today was 1000% perfect and tomorrow will be even better! Life's looking good for Monty and everyone I know!”Monty is a perfectly normal boy living in a perfectly normal city, surrounded by all sorts of eccentric neighbours, from bearded …
  • 电影科幻
  • 无罪释放第二季
    The second season of Acquitted will dig deeper into exploring the consequences of Karine’s murder. We are going to a dark and unpredictable Lifjord. At high tempo, and with rising intensity, we will draw our characters to the outermost poi…
  • 半血兄弟
    The Half Brother revolves around the life of a family spanning five generations in the 20th century. The book opens in Berlin in 1990, at the film festival, as the Berlin wall is still coming down. It ends in Oslo the day after. But the story begins with Vera, Barnum's mother, on V Day, 1945. At a local level the story…
  • 电视剧战争
    根据奥斯特洛夫斯基同名小说改编和拍摄的20集电视剧《钢铁是怎样炼成的》由中央电视台、深圳市委宣传部和中国国际电视总公司联合投资出品,由深圳万科文化传播公司策划和承制。是向建国50周年献礼的重点剧目……  16岁的他,从有着蓝天和白杨树的乌克兰小镇舍佩托夫卡走向人生、走向革命、也走向我们……  含辛如苦的母亲,成就了他的勤劳;…