- 1936年的法国乡村,十七岁的少女弗朗索斯在骑自行车的时候发生意外摔伤而被一位中年天主教牧师搭救。 少女和牧师这样相遇,渐渐地少女情怀总是诗的弗朗索斯开始默默地关注这位沉默害羞的牧师,他们开始倾心交谈,在田野散步,直到在树林中情到深处而尝食禁果。。。 天主教牧师是不允许结婚的,少女弗朗索斯的怀孕让这段关系成为丑闻。 几年后1…
- Soviet Russia, the Volga, in 1921. Do not have time otgremet battle of civil war, as a new calamity overtook a young Soviet republics. The drought dried up the land of the Volga. Cereal crop failure led to mass starvation. Soviet power was not in a position to help poor farmers.To save his mother and younger brothers f…