- 有个老头子彼得松,一个人孤独地住在他的瑞典式木头小屋里。整天就靠劈柴以及捣鼓些小发明打发时间。但有时他也会感到孤单。直到一天,他的邻居贝妲,那个能烤出世界上最美味的肉桂饼的女邻居,给他送来一只小公猫。彼得松给它起名叫“芬杜斯”。 另一个坏脾气的邻居古斯塔夫松最近很是烦恼:他的鸡们叫个不停,快要把他逼疯了!于是古斯塔…
- Maria, a wealthy widow, invites her long-time dinner companion Richard to spend a month at her house in Scotland. If she still likes him after a month together, they will marry. Their mutual friends, George, Duke of Bristol, and his companion, Helen decide to make it a foursome. The humor in this drawing room comedy co…