- 这是世界上最著名的一条高速公路,世界上最先进的工程系统之一,路面平均厚度75厘米,即使大型波音客机在此起落,路面也丝毫不受损。当然,对于世界各地狂热的驾车爱好者来说,一提起这条路,首先想到的并不是工程的伟大,而是速度。 这就是德国高速公路。它为速度而兴建,一万两千公里中有一般不限速,这是世界上速度最快的地区,但它的安…
- This movie is a "collage" or a puzzle, made of professional and private movie bits, accompanied by original German songs of the late thirties and forties. The arrangement is very special: Every song has its own "chapter" with a title which captures a typical slogan or feeling of war times. The song …
- Between Hitler and Stalin: Ukraine in World War II is a 2003 film produced and directed by Slavko Nowytski and narrated by Jack Palance. The one-hour documentary, part black-and-white and part color, is a project of Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre - an attempt to tell the story of the Second World …