- A father starts a journey to figure out the best way to protect his son from seeing filthiness of this crime-ridden city. When it comes to protecting children's innocence, how far will human go? Since children will eventually grow into adults, and every society will always has its light and shadow, is 'shield kids away…
- 为弘扬民族文化,推介中国古典文学的经典力作《红楼梦》,《百家讲坛》栏目在曹雪芹逝世240周年之际,推出大型系列节目《新解〈红楼梦〉》,周汝昌、冯其庸、蔡义江、李希凡等老一代红学专家,张庆善、孙玉明、曹立波等中青年红学专家汇聚一堂,就《红楼梦》的人物、思想、诗词曲赋、艺术个性、成书过程,曹雪芹的生平、家世等一系列话题进行了…