- 《造就美国的食物》将会讲述食品行业大亨米尔顿·赫尔希 (Milton Hershey)、约翰·凯洛格 (John Kellogg) 和威尔·凯洛格 (Will Kellogg)、亨利·海因茨 (Henry Heinz)、C.W. Post、麦当劳兄弟 (McDonald brothe rs) 等背后不为人知的创新和竞争故事。
- Top Chef: New Orleans is the upcoming eleventh season of the American reality television series Top Chef. The season was announced on May 10, 2013. Filming took place from early May through late July.The season premiered on October 2, 2013.19 chefs were selected to compete for the title of "Top Chef" and the …
- 《英雄联盟》3D微动画系列《啦啦啦德玛西亚》由曾经打造过魔兽世界大型连载动画片《联盟的勇士》的游戏视频动画工作室虚拟印象动画工作室制作。这是国内首部根据《英雄联盟》为游戏故事背景而制作的3D微动画系列剧。 《啦啦啦德玛西亚》在剧本创意上征集了很多玩家的游戏乐趣片断,全剧制作首次采用了3D动作捕捉的技术,使得英雄模型的动作表现…
- Homejacking is an edgy thriller that gracefully manipulates our perception of the story and the truth. Directed by Hervé Hadmar (Romance, Notre Dame), the series is set in an architect’s house lost in the middle of the forest, where flashb…
- 该剧受《切尔诺贝利》的启发,由法国消防员的真实叙述改编,探究2019年巴黎圣母院大火对一群背景各异的巴黎人带来哪些冲击。以消防员、新闻人、民众等不同身份的多个角色的不同视角,来回顾这次事故,将“重建时间线、再现大火前后,他们(事件相关的人)将必须互相去斗争、热爱、遇见、仇恨、帮助和对彼此展现笑容,这样,到头来,他们才有重新…