- The film "Solomon" depicts a story of one unknown, talented musician, who is trying to establish himself through his art in one of the provincial Black Sea cities of post-Soviet Georgia, which is characterized by nihilism and indifference. Solomon's music can only be heard during feasts, in the basements or o…
- 自2009年《千奇百趣》登陆TVB,大受欢迎,每晚10点半,准时发掘新奇事物。新一辑的《千奇百趣Winter Fun》,又跟大家见面啦﹗主持当然仍是合作无间的森美、小仪吧﹗这次换上冬日主题,森美、小仪会带大家再到日本,搜罗当地千奇百趣的新事物。惹笑的他俩,每集均会请来艺人嘉宾大玩游戏,嘉宾们将会分组进行对赛,先欣赏来自日本的千奇百怪奇趣…
- Flags over Berlin' is the story of one of the most important intelligence missions of the World War II. British T-Force major Mark Spencer must go to the besieged Berlin in late April 1945 under the guise of a newspaper correspondent attached to the frontline units of the Red Army preparing to storm the city.