- A historical series will now try to capture the atmosphere of this special place. A fictional story with a female main protagonist will be told in six episodes. Johanna is a nurse who gets embroiled in a plot involving international spies. She intends to find her illegitimate daughter and agrees to a dangerous deal wit…
- 本剧是2005年英国和澳大利亚合拍的两集迷你剧,每集九十分钟,改编自真实事件, 讲述了十八世纪末澳洲第一代移民的艰辛逃亡之旅。在澳大利亚新南威尔士殖民地建立之初就不断有囚犯想方设法逃出去,虽说他们普遍没有什么地理知识,甚至都不知道自己究竟身处何处。很多囚犯虽然暂时成功逃离殖民地的定居点,但是从长远来看并算不上成功:有些人因…