- 竞速之城是一座悬浮在空中的赛车城市。超星特工猪猪侠受邀出席最新赛季开幕式, 在这个时候,猪猪侠意外接到紧急任务:支撑悬浮的核心能源被盗,城市即将坠毁,猪猪侠必须在72小时内找回能源。一场惊险刺激的冒险赛程,就此展开。
- Two years after the death of Jean, Matthias, the coach, decides to take Selime, a young man from the suburbs he believes is gay, to accompany the Shiny Shrimps to the Gay Games in Tokyo, on a trip to pay tribute to their friend who left too early. But after they miss their connection, they find themselves stranded in R…
- 庆祝中国共产党成立100周年文艺演出《伟大征程》在国家体育场盛大举行。习近平、李克强、栗战书、汪洋、王沪宁、赵乐际、韩正、王岐山等党和国家领导人,同约2万名观众一起观看演出,共同回顾中国共产党成立100年来波澜壮阔的光辉历程,共同祝福伟大的党带领中国人民迈进新征程、奋进新时代。