搜索 杰克森

  • 波罗跑去银行核查帐户余额,意外得知帐户被莫名其妙地透支了足足60英镑,这让他很不开心。 当晚,波罗正与黑斯廷斯玩大富翁游戏,银行行长跑来找他,这让他颇感欣慰。谁知银行行长不是为透支一事来道歉的,而是带来了一个消失的神秘银矿,以及因此而发生的一桩诡异的谋杀案…… 对一个传说中的巨大银矿而言,区区60英镑又算得了什么呢?
  • 波洛侦探(大卫·苏切特 David Suchet 饰)接到了莱蒙太太(保琳·莫兰 Pauline Moran 饰)的电话,邀请他去她家里做客。莱蒙太太的丈夫是国防部官员,他邀请了名为乔安娜(Carmen du Sautoy 饰)的女人去家中小住。莱蒙太太对这个女人的印象极为糟糕,她坚信她正在策划一个阴谋,一个同国家机密息息相关的阴谋。拗不住莱蒙太太的坚持,波洛勉强…
  • 波罗和黑斯廷斯在一家摄影棚观看他们的朋友导演一部电影,摄影棚主人亨利•瑞德布恩对待演员与工作人员的粗暴行为给他们留下了深刻的印象。当天晚上,风雨交加,瑞德布恩被发现横尸家中,而年青漂亮的电影明星瓦雷瑞•圣德莱被卷入该谋杀案中,应其未婚夫的邀请,波罗再度来到摄影棚,力求查明真相,还其清白…
  • 周五,一个戴黑色面纱的神秘女郎约见波罗,声称有一个名叫莱应的顿的恶棍,在得知她即将与公爵结婚的消息后,手持她16岁时写的一封“轻率而愚蠢”的情书向她勒索2万英镑。当晚,波罗与黑斯廷斯约见了令厌恶的莱应顺,双方不欢而散,这样一来,就让波罗有了去实现其犯罪抱负的借口。   第二天夜里,波罗与黑斯廷斯乔装打扮,带着手电、小刀等作…
  • Hercule Poirot is bored to tears and with three weeks since his last case, is worried that his little gray cells will stop working. Captain Hastings suggest a evening at the theater to see the latest murder mystery but even that doesn't help when Poirot finds the plot to be absurd. On their return home to Whitehaven Ma…
  • 英国首相前往巴黎参加一个国际性裁军会议,途中受袭而遭到绑架,唯一目击证人、司机等各色人等全部神秘失踪。会议即将召开,必须于三十二个小时零十五分钟内将首相找回。在总检察官加普的推荐下,国家终身秘书找到了波罗,但波罗不停逛来逛去“和一些与此案毫无关联的人谈话”的办案方式显然无法得到秘书官的认同。更离谱的是,案子还没半点头绪…
  • Amelia Barrowby is in fear for her life, fearing someone in her home will kill her. When she sees Poirot at a flower show where he is receiving an award, she speaks to him for a moment, giving him a packet of flower seeds. When he arrives back at his office, he discovers the seed packet is empty, and a letter from Mrs.…
  • At a village fête, Poirot runs into an old friend, John Harrison and his fiancé Molly Deane, a fashion model. Harrison invites Poirot and Hastings to tea the following week where Poirot learns that Molly had once been engaged to a local ar…
  • 波罗的同胞著名的电影明星玛丽·玛维拉向他出示了一系列神秘的匿名信,信中要求她归还那颗美丽的钻石——“西方之星”。尽管波罗要求她退还,但玛丽还是决定保留这颗钻石,以便她能在在归亚德利夫人举办的周未晚会上在现光采。与此同时,作为“星方之星”的姐妹钻石——“东方之星”的拥有者,归亚德利夫人也收到了同样的匿名信,同样,归亚德利…
  • A young couple, the Robinson's, rent a beautiful new flat for about the half the going rate of the same flats in the building. Poirot is puzzled by this, when he hears that many others had tried to rent the flat and were turned down. Poirot believes there is something unique about the Robinson's, and that whatever it i…