搜索 桑德里娜·博内尔

  • 法国著名女演员Sandrine Bonnaire为自闭症妹妹Sabine拍摄的纪录片,2009年恺撒奖最佳纪录片奖提名作品
  • 法国最新爱情喜剧片,是近几年比较受欢迎的题材:关注中年人感情生活。43岁的单身富翁卢卡斯,虽然这些年生活中不缺风流韵事。却一直渴望一段真正的爱情。在为装修大厅预定壁画的一次业务洽谈时,偶遇了38岁漂亮迷人的陶瓷工艺师爱丽莎,他对她一见倾心,然而鉴于以往糟糕的经历,卢卡斯不敢贸然行动。于是他找来私人侦探去调查这位漂亮的女人。…
  • Lola, the picture of insolence, eats with her feet propped up on the table. Maxence and Clarence, two disobedient pests with angelic smiles, always have a trick up their sleeves. And Clémence is the mercenary type who never helps anyone out for free. As for Salomé and Rachel, they are two crybabies obsessed by their ga…
  • Alda, her sister Olga, and the latter's daughter Sigga live together in an old house facing a cemetery by the sea. Self-assured Alda collects men; Olga shuns them, but cannot help following the activities of Alda (who receives her lovers in the sisters' house) with some envy. In their own way, both women refuse any emo…
  • A part of Joan of Arc's life. At the beginning, Jeanne (Joan) has already left Domremy, she is trying to convince a captain to escort her to moxia.cc the Dauphin. It ends during Jeanne's first battle, at Orleans. Meanwhile, Jeanne is depicted more as a warrior than a saint (all cliches are avoided), with only her faith…
  • 电影
    The film (and the acting) is superbly done, but the story is intense. I like it for its' dark, thick, "Cul du Sac" psychology but it is certainly not for everyone for that very reason. Set in isolated, rural France makes this film all the more desperate.The film is about strenuous relationships, loyalty - and…
  • 新浪潮老将里维特的雄心大作,分战争篇和监狱篇上下两部。本片以德莱叶和布列松为目标,希望成就新的经典。 传奇历史事件「圣女贞德」发生时,以文字记述事件流传出去的方式尚未普及,因此事件留下来的属于史实的原始记录非常的少。但是圣女贞德的故事,却不断出现在文学作品、舞台剧、歌剧(神剧)与各种电影版本中,这背后一定是有它的原因的…
  • 一部以二战为背景的影片,描述的是一个美军飞行员因飞机在比利时坠毁而被当地地下抵抗组织救助的故事,战火纷飞中,飞行员和救助他的抵抗组织已婚女成员之间一段恋情无可救药地……
  • 人到中年的德米特(雅克·迪特隆 Jacques Dutronc 饰)本以为自己会就这样平淡的走完一生,哪知道经由医生的诊断,自己竟然患上了不治之症,只剩下最后几个月的人生了。德米特进入了一家疗养院,决定在这里度过他最后的时光。刚刚进入疗养院的德米特非常不能够适应这里充满了死亡气息的氛围,看着周围的人一个接着一个的死去,德米特感到非常的…
  • 《虾碌情人》讲述的是素昧平生的两个人由于一连串的阴差阳错,结果忙碌了半天,却频频出现意外,未能按照各自的行程上路。在这个过程中,爱情倏忽而来。为了责任,他们最终选择回到各自的生活轨迹。若干年后,Claire看到当年她讲述的那个有关灯塔和爱情的故事在剧院上演,眼眶一瞬间的湿润后,终以笑容面对儿女。