- Mr. Mercedes第三季主要改编自斯蒂芬·金小说三部曲中的第二部Finders Keepers。在一个漆黑的雨夜,文豪Rothstein在寓所内身亡,现场有抢劫的痕迹。Hodges,Holly和Jerome帮助当地警察追查这个案子,发现Rothstein多本未曾问 世并价值连城的手稿也被洗劫一空,这一切是否与文豪的疯狂书迷Morris Bellamy有关? 即使Brady已…
- After a momentous year at East High, the Wildcats head to Camp Shallow Lake for two weeks of fun in the sun. With a high-stakes production of Frozen looming and new campers threatening to shake up the Wildcats' dynamic, the campers are in for an unforgettable summer of highs, lows, and Let It Go's.bymke6.com
- An epic, visually stunning series based on the critically acclaimed novel by one of the most popular Russian authors, Alexei Ivanov, combining historical drama with mystery and fantasy. The 15th century. Sent from Moscow, Prince Yermolay wants to unite all peoples of Perm, Christians and pagans alike. To do so, he, a C…