- CSI: NY (Crime Scene Investigation: New York) is an American police procedural television series that ran on CBS from September 22, 2004 to February 22, 2013, for a total of nine seasons and 197 original episodes. The show follows the investigations of a team of NYPD forensic scientists and police officers identified a…
- 奥斯卡金像奖获奖导演戴维斯·古根海姆(《难以忽视的真相》《他叫我马拉拉》)带来新作《走进比尔:解码比尔·盖茨》。这部全新的三集纪录片探索了著名技术先驱、商业领袖和慈善家比尔·盖茨的思想和抱负。在辞去微软首席执行官职务之后,盖茨将时间和出色才智投入到解决一些世界上最持久的问题上,由此便开始了现代史上最伟大的职业生涯第二幕…