- Set during the insurgency of 1863, the story focuses on a tragic romance between a poor gentlewoman and a rebel noble. After a bloody battle a unit of insurgents have been wiped out and only one survived, but badly wounded. He eventually finds shelter and care from a landsteward's daughter, hiding in a burned-out manor…
- Revealing the extraordinary animals, astonishing landscapes and remarkable people who live alongside the Amazon, Mississippi and Nile
- 2020年黄河迎新文艺演出以“黄河”为主题从百姓视角出发,将具有高艺术水平的表演和富有黄河流域特色的传统文化进行融合,既营造出欢乐祥和的新年氛围,也展示出黄河流域绵延淳厚的文化感。黄河迎新文艺演出致力于把内容诉求与节目形式、舞台呈现、传播手段进行深度融合,打造出“黄河流域”的独特属性。