- 在前往新世界的路上,草帽海贼团的各位悠哉游哉,举行了盛大豪华的时装秀。而就在此时,他们遭到比利奇准将所率领的海军的袭击,借着约瑟芬大炮的威力,草帽海贼团的船飞到了一座未知的小岛——手之岛。该岛形状像一只摊开的手掌,并且上面云集了来自全世界的能工巧匠。他们所制作出的手工艺品得到路飞、乌索普、布鲁克等人大为欣赏,但是手工艺…
- Dr Han rapes his lab assistant one night. Rather than go to the police, the victim keeps quiet only bringing up the subject months later to inform the doctor that she is pregnant. Her attempts to blackmail him lead to her accidently falling off a cliff. However, her ghost will not allow Han to forget his crimes.