搜索 特勒

  • Instead of fishing for salmon in the stream Windy the bear tries to show his son Breezy a shortcut method...by looting a cannery. The guard makes this a difficult task.
  • Sam acquires and ostrich from which hatches, no surprise, an ostrich. The ostrich attach's itself to Sam, in addition to eating everything in sight, and Maggie orders him to get rid of it. When Sam thinks he has lost the bird, he returns home where Maggie leads him to the bedroom, where Sam finds the ostrich with a fam…
  • Smedley is the manager of Balancing Rock Canyon where various boulders are perched atop high poles. As Smedley explains, the slightest noise is enough to send the rocks tumbling ("You gotta be quieter than a goldfish in a sound-proof aquarium") so it's hardly a surprise that he panics when Chilly Willy arrive…
  • In order to afford money to eat Smedley's flapjacks, Chilly Willy tries various jobs that don't go well for him. When Chilly Willy discovers that Smedley has to make 200 flapjacks for a tough lumberjack, Chilly Willy ends up pillaging some of them getting Smedley into trouble until Chilly Willy drives the lumberjack aw…
  • This cartoon is a parody of the then current TV show, "Dragnet". Police are warned of an escaped criminal, "The Bat", who possesses a super strength tonic. He hides the tonic in Woody's house hoping to retreive it the next day. When the listless Woody awakes, he imbibes the tonic, giving him the str…
  • 負責任的那丘和倔強的哥哥卡洛斯重逢,卡洛斯深陷賭債,那丘也無可避免地被拖下水。2010年馬拉加影展最佳男主角烏納史瓦勒(《美味關係》)主演。
  • Berlin, 2006. A group of turkish workers discovers the Adolf Hitler's secret bunker. Inside there, faithfully guarded by the Eva Braun's corpse, they find the Führer's incorrupt dick preserved in an urn. The news of this shocking discovery gives the turn around the world and arrives to the ears of an old scientist hidd…
  • Monsters. Zombies. Chainsaws. Somebody doesn't love Lucy.
  • 影片基于“希特勒最后的日子”一书改编,电影主要从1945年4月20日,希特勒的56岁生日开始,到1945年4月30 日希特勒自杀,这十天中展示了希特勒及其追随者在地堡的最后未日。虽然同样是描写希特勒的最后日子,但与1955年的拍摄的同名影片及后来2005年拍摄的《帝国的毁灭》中,表现出的是一个略有不同的画面...影片的风格也很独特,你会发现,“地…