- 本片是迪士尼1981年出品的《狐狸与猎狗》的外传,故事回到了小狐狸陶德与小猎狗小铜的小时候。当时陶德(乔纳什·波波 Jonah Bobo 配音)与小铜(Harrison Fahn 配音)已经成为十分要好的朋友,每当小铜觉得自己一无是处的时候,陶德总会鼓励它重拾信心。一天,一个由猎狗组合成的表演团来到此地,这让小猎狗小铜简直乐翻天,他不但认识了许多跟…
- based on a Norwegian folk tale, with the addition of a second tale and a scene from a third. - The basic story: Mr. Fox is dead. His widow, Reve-enka (literally "the fox widow"), sits alone in her empty house with only her trusty feline maid Korse for company. Three suitors - the Bear, the Wolf and a young Fo…