When an American atheist is wrongfully imprisoned by corrupt police for the murder of his Arab wife, his quest for justice turns into a spiritual journey lead by Muslim inmates, from the moderate convert to terror-linked fundamentalists.
A damaged homicide detective (Johnny Messner) must prevent a grieving father from unleashing a "robotic virus" that he believes will destroy the terrorist cell that murdered his son, but at an unimaginable cost.
梅尔·吉布森和科林·法瑞尔将主演新片《战猪》(War Pigs),托米·维尔科拉(《猎杀星期一》《死亡之雪》)执导,千禧年影业出品,10月开拍。 Nick Ball & John Niven(《杀死汝伴》《性感女特工》)编写剧本,讲述一群幻想破灭的前海军陆战队士兵前去执行最后的任务,以报复杀害了自己的一名成员并卷走数百万美元脏钱的贩毒团伙。法雷尔扮演德…