- The dream of sending humans to Mars is closer than ever before. In fact, many scientists think that the first person to set foot on the Red Planet is alive today. But where should the first explorers visit when they get there?Horizon has gathered the world's leading experts on Mars and asked them: where would they go, …
- A few weeks ago, the National Health Service was hit by a widespread and devastating cyber attack - Horizon tells the inside story of one of the most challenging days in the history of the NHS.On the morning of 12 May the attack started. Appointment systems, pathology labs, x-rays and even CT scanners were infected - p…
- 德·凡·图卢肯博士调查兴奋剂的世界:从那些追求名声、荣耀、和有利可图的赞助商合同的职业运动员,到如今服用合成激素来增长肌肉和追求外貌的成千上万的普通英国人。这些都是些什么药物?它们对于人体会产生什么作用?