- 本片为2001年在《猫狗大战》的续集。 故事发生在距离上一次猫咪和狗狗的大战已经过去了数年之后。来之不易的和平再一次受到威胁。这次的敌人可不是上一部中的笨蛋,它可是原猫咪间谍组织“喵”的顶级特工,名为Kitty Galore。它顺利地窃取到了狗狗组织的核心机密,并且为了报复狗狗组织和人类,它设计了一个恐怖而毒辣的计划意图控制全世界…
- When an idealistic romantic gets fired from his day job, he is offered a "one-time gig" to break up a girl's relationship for her disapproving parents. This "one-time" gig spreads through word-of-mouth and he ends up becoming a professional match-breaker. However, he ends up falling for one of his c…