- 影片由5个看似没有联系的片段组成:专业的银行女经理竟在爱情上吃了闷亏;优雅的心理医生渴望一个懂她的男人;一对同性恋人关系正面临最艰难的考验……她们原本独自面对人生的挑战,直到一桩自杀事件发生,五个女子的心灵从此有了令人惊喜的交会。
- Not every avenger must set out on a journey with visions of bloody revenge, and not every journey takes place on a galloping horse. But each one offers a solution in the end. An enthralling, philosophizing Western that highlights the timelessness of its ideas as well as the lasting attractions of this versatile genre.