- 並行世界を巡る旅から駄菓子カフェ「カラフル」に帰ってきた介人たち。しかし、そこでは新たなカシワモチワルドと“柏餅王”となったゾックスが、ゼンカイトピアを支配していた!? またもや柏餅中毒だらけと化した世界を救うため、ゼンカイジャーの新たな戦いが始まる! 一方、ドンブラザーズの世界では、タロウが去って1年、お供の5人は充…
- 当视频开始说“电影!?”时,桃太郎(桃井太郎饰)突然掩饰不住惊讶。应该是这样,令人惊讶的是,唐兄弟竟然收到了出演电影的邀请!此外,由才华横溢的电影制片人三枝玲子(岛崎和歌子饰)透露的电影标题是“新初恋英雄”!?……剧中的电影原作漫画是鬼头遥作为漫画家出道时涉嫌抄袭的王道少女漫画!就连遥也无法掩饰对这个意外提议的不安。抄…
- When a mysterious figure starts to target State Alchemists for their sins against God, Alchemist Edward Elric and his brother Alphonse are at their most vulnerable, meanwhile the homunculi begin to unveil themselves once again.
- When a mysterious figure starts to target State Alchemists for their sins against God, Alchemist Edward Elric and his brother Alphonse are at their most vulnerable, meanwhile the homunculi begin to unveil themselves once again.
- A man finds a new sense of himself in his old hometown in this drama from Japan. Tetsuro is a businessman from Tokyo who goes back to the coastal town where he grew up for the first time in years when he arrives to attend a memorial ceremony for his late grandmother. While he's back home, Tetsuro happens upon Yuki, who…