- 第二次世界大战时期,一艘英国军事运输船"雷北利号",满载反法西斯的军火行驶在印度洋上。除船长和少数船员是英国人外,轮机长、水手长、二副等均是中国人。轮机长庄海泉的儿子、二副庄三更是未婚妻唐媚及一个流落异国的中国渔女海石花也搭乘此船回国。不料,这条船遭到敌舰的袭击而沉没,船长及一些船员牺牲,轮机长庄海泉带领幸存的…
- A scientist notices strange frequencies coming from within the Earth. He and his assistants discover a living rock underneath a volcano. They bring the rock to their lab, and discover that it needs the hormones that are produced by humans when they are fearful in order to survive. They then abduct and sacrifice young g…