- An elaborate Hollywood retelling of the Bible stories narrated by the film's director John Huston. We open with the Creation of the World and arrive at the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve (Michael Parks and Ulla Bergryd) and continue on to Cain (Richard Harris) and the murder of Abel (Franco Nero). Next, we visit Noah…
- 比赛结束后,冰球明星萨沙与花滑女王娜佳举行了童话般的婚礼,幸福地生活在一起。而怀孕的娜佳被医生告知,当年的旧疾会给她生产带来生命危险。最终她坚持生下女儿却遗憾离世。萨沙肩负起单身爸爸的责任,默默忍痛抚养女儿长大,却因偏执的心结,禁止女儿再接触有关花滑的一切。继承母亲天赋的小娜佳,被贝加尔湖的冰面吸引,展示出非凡的天赋。…