- This highly symbolic and enigmatic political drama by Hungarian director Miklos Jancso was produced by a consortium from Italy, France and West Germany. This film is considered to be an homage to Antonioni as it uses his favorite leading actress (Monica Vitti) and his cameraman Carlo di Palma. This film was made at a t…
- 在童年时代便消灭了糖果屋女巫的孤儿兄妹韩赛尔(杰瑞米·雷纳 Jeremy Renner 饰)与格蕾特(杰玛·阿特登 Gemma Arterton 饰),多年来成为邪恶女巫的最大克星。在帮助小镇奥古斯伯格寻找失踪的孩子以及隐藏女巫之时,兄妹二人发现三天后即将出现“血月”(月蚀),这对女巫们来说是无比重要和神圣的时刻。两兄妹迅速投入行动,而讨厌他们俩的…
- A Frenchwoman vacationing with her daughter and a Viennese professor vacationing with his son meet in the Tyrolean Alps of Italy. Of a liberal persuasion, both parents actively encourage the two young people to get to know one another, and perhaps have their first sexual liaison; the two adults have long since gone to …