- 故事发生在19世纪末一座位于牛津郡的小小村庄里。劳拉(奥莉薇娅·哈琳安 Olivia Hallinan 饰)的母亲即将临盆,为了给新生儿挪地方,家人们决定将劳拉送到隔壁镇的邮局工作,由居住在那里的表姐道卡斯(茱莉亚·萨瓦哈 Julia Sawalha 饰)照顾。初来乍到的劳拉因为土气的装扮和内向的个性,在新环境里处处遭到排挤,好在温柔的道卡斯一直都坚定…
- A journalist, Daniel Parish, arrives in Lark Rise with news that Emma Timmins is set to inherit a large amount of money, enough to change the family's life forever. Daniel plans to write their story for his newspaper, but Dorcas is suspicious of his motives,. Can Laura and Daniel's friendship survive this?
- When Dorcas and Emma each want to give Laura the same gift for Christmas, an old family wound is opened up and Laura finds herself torn between two mothers. As the inhabitants of Lark Rise and Candleford prepare for the festivities, loyalties are tested and, amid the gift-giving and carol-singing, tensions are building…
- 由新世相联合光明日报共同发起的“2020季毕业特别活动”,聚焦2020届毕业生,纪录了被称为“史上最难的一届毕业生”的真实状态。疫情冲击下他们有人改变毕业后的选择,有人重新思考人生。真实讲述了在特殊的2020年,这些刚刚走出大学校门的年轻人的迷茫与彷徨,乐观与勇气。本片旨在留下这届毕业生的人生剪影,并为全国874万毕业生送去温暖和鼓…
- 2021浙江卫视跨年晚会将以“美好有你”为主题,由“年轻之美”“文化之美”和“潮流之美”三个篇章组成。除了实力与人气兼备的嘉宾跨界而来,还有新潮年轻范与传统经典风的融合碰撞,有一如既往的极致视听,还会带来独特创新的舞台设计。除此之外,今年的浙江卫视跨年晚会将更聚焦普通人的生活,展现新时代风采,与屏幕前的你一起重温2020年的…