- 2023年,美国新政府所推行的“人类清除计划”迎来了第六个年头。剑走偏锋的极端政策,旨在抑制持续上升的失业率和犯罪率,在此期间却也有越来越多的无辜之人遇害,而富人们则斟好杯中酒,脑满肠肥欣赏甚至以看似高贵优雅的姿态参与一年一度的屠杀狂欢。在大屠杀即将开始之际,面临分手的情侣谢恩(Zach Gilford 饰)和莉兹(Kiele Sanc…
- Born in the USSR: 21 Up is a 2005 British documentary, directed by Sergei Miroshnichenko.Following in the tradition of the original UK Up Series, this documentary revisits a group of Russian children at seven-year intervals to track their development against a backdrop of social and political change. Following the succ…