- After her heartbreaking miscarriage and failing career as a model, Elise has now found herself without a career and living as a stay at home wife to a wealthy business man who, over the years, seems to have got tired of her. Worried he is being unfaithful, Elise goes to spy on him, when she bumps into a mysterious and …
- 正在进行修业之旅的小智(松本梨香 配音)、小刚(うえだゆうじ 配音)、小遥(KAORI 配音)和小正(山田ふしぎ 配音),在前往下一个城镇的路上迷失方向。口渴难耐的他们在荒野中偶遇巡回表演的美丽少女洋美(眞鍋かをり 配音)及其所在的玛丽娜剧团,于是随着她们展开愉快的旅行。洋美是水之民的后代,她们此行的目的是将曾被海盗凡顿•绰普(…