- 该剧讲述的是给秘密操纵韩国的少数权势家族以致命打击的小偷们的故事。池贤宇在剧中饰演兼具颜值和多项才能的小偷张石木,徐珠贤则饰演热血侦查官姜孝珠,是一个充满了正义感的人物,将展现出不惜一切抓获犯人和保护弱势群体的果断、温暖一面 。
- 在这个仅有5%的指挥家是女性的世界里,车世音大师脱颖而出,成为业界最优秀的指挥家之一。 虽然车世音表面上看似完美,活在音乐的世界里,但她有一个深藏的秘密,她揭开了管弦乐团的神秘面纱,同时也隐藏着自己的秘密。 该剧改编自法剧《Philharmonia》。
- 《感激时代》的原著漫画出自《茶母》等人气漫画的作者方学基之手,原著漫画以上世纪30年代的首尔为舞台,讲述了金斗汉为首的韩国黑帮与日本黑帮之间的战斗,而电视剧版《感激时代》将舞台由首尔移至中国上海,将讲述韩国爱国志士为光复祖国而在上海与日寇战斗的故事,金贤重在剧中所饰演的申政泰是一个在上海靠拳头打破上海街巷宁静的最强战士。
- Gyeong-ah works as a caregiver and lives alone. The only one she can rely on is her daughter, Yeon-su, but it's hard to see her after she moved out on her own. Meanwhile, Yeon-su, who is suffering from her ex-boyfriend, Sang-hyun, argues with him again and visits her mother’s house. After Yeon-su left, Gyeong-ah receiv…
- A noise is coming from the floor upstairs. Eunsu, hears this for over a month which causes uncontrollable anger to rise up. She gets eliminated again from a competition she had prepared for a long time. Eunsu decides to write her last piece with the theme of the noise between the floors and persuades her friend to help…