- Chuck receives a mandate from a new boss. Axe braves a hard choice following his recent indictment. Taylor generates a monster strategy. Lara threatens to pull her money from Axe Capital. Sa...#Chuck receives a mandate from a new boss. Axe braves a hard choice following his recent indictment. Taylor generates a monster…
- 巨石强森饰演的灵长类动物学家一直与人类保持距离, 却跟极为聪明的银背大猩猩乔治有着深厚的感情。但是一次基因实验出错, 让这只温驯的大猩猩变成狂怒难驯的庞然巨兽。更可怕的是, 其他动物也发生了同样基因异变。他必须阻止这场全球性的灾难, 更重要是要拯救他的好友乔治。
- 由于邪恶势力肆意蔓延,一群具有超群实力的正义之士挺身而出,他们戴着面具,身着奇装异服,与各种坏蛋展开较量。不久,他们的英雄事迹通过媒体传遍全国,美元钞票、丝绸鬼魂、罗夏、城市队长等超级英雄的名字广为传播,他们更参与到大大小小的重大事件之中,也因各自的性格遭受着不同的命运。但是在20世纪70年代,政府出台的法令导致一部分不愿…
- Across snowbound Northern States, a blocked writer with a bag full of cash finds inspiration in a beautiful, vengeful killer and the two go on the run in a twisted noir road movie.