搜索 阿布

  • The main hero of the film is an electrician with a far greater effect on the people around him than his job defines. He is the last link in a huge energetic system and he becomes the binding bridge between the geopolitical problems of post-soviet space and the common people.  The economic devastation of the country had…
  • Like his famous Tretya meshchanskaya/ Bed and Sofa (1927), this 66 minute-long silent film by director Abram Room (1894-1976) is an existential drama disguised as a saga about the proletarian struggle. The Ghost That Never Returns (1929) presents a lonely and insecure individual who is challenged to act more heroically…
  • 《世界總理 國王畢比》是第一部以納坦雅胡為對象的紀錄片,關於他的崛起之路,與美國和川普總統的深厚關係,以及他對自身形象和媒體的偏執癡迷,而這很有可能會是他最終垮台的原因。      1月9日,《世界總理 國王畢比》成為Yes Docu上收視率最高的紀錄片。   自從2018年7月在耶路撒冷電影節上首映以來,《世界總理 國王畢比》已經成為年…
  • 午夜,外乡人威利·法布里修斯在布拉格艳遇了一名美丽的女子,女子为他讲述了拉比内夫塔利与女魔像、伯爵夫人与鞋匠、开酒馆的女骗子的故事。
  • 讲述一个生活在巴黎的阿尔及利亚移民青年的苦难生活,阿尔及利亚导演Abdelkrim Bahloul将自己在法国漂泊生活几十年的感受尽情在影片中释放,也可以看成是他个人的一本自传。MY RATING 5。MINT TEA is about an expatriate Algerian living in Paris. He is a young man who survives through conni…
  • Almost everything in Eli's life, a 15 years old boy with an eating disorder, is on the brink of catastrophe. He lives in a seedy neighborhood with his mother and her husband, two ex-junkies obsessed with living a "normative" life. His alcoholic father is an unemployed artist and a street philosopher, an eccen…
  • Filmmaker Hermann Vaske explores the creative Balkan world in the hopes of understanding the meaning of "Balkan spirit", by interviewing philosopher Slavoj Žižek and various artists. However, the term's complexity very quickly becomes apparent and it seems increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to define …
  • An ecology of signs lurking amid seductive 16mm travel footage echoes with post-colonial reverberations in Ana Vaz's deceptively corrosive, award-winning Occidente
  • 电影奇幻
  • 电影喜剧
    本片由五个发生在同一时间,不同国家地区的小故事组成,每个故事都描述了的士司机与乘客的一次短暂遭遇。  洛杉矶晚上707,假小子司机柯基(薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder 饰)载着她的客人维多利亚(吉娜·罗兰兹 Gena Rowlands 饰)回酒店,恰巧负责电影选角的维多利亚看中了柯基,然而柯基却告诉她自己想成为一名机械师……  纽约晚上100…