- 在jerry结束了他的连续剧和stand-up talk show以后拍了这部电影版的comedy show,引用一些台词: [On the space shuttle and the moon] What the hell were they doin' with a car on the god damn moon? You're on the moon already! Isn't that far enough? I was the …
- In 1989, physicist Bob Lazar broke the story of Area 51 and the US government's work on alien spacecrafts. He blew the whistle, shocked the world, then went silent - until now.
- 青城山灭派,玄门遭遇旷世劫难。朱离地煞觉醒,携青城掌教冷霜凝险夺玄珠,再顾青玉坛,蒙星象子指点,欲共赴昆仑抵御魔道大军。天一子未赴中秋之约,太白子知道天一子已遇不测,开始查探凶手,本以为是魔道的阴谋,没想到在昆仑派发现了一些端倪。魔道势力风谲云诡,其间隐情扑朔迷离,深不可测的魔道高人邓辰因为太初九元的转世,重出天阴谷,…
- 话说一年一度的圣伦瓦丁节就要到了,又到了白色的季节呢。由帅得掉渣的恶魔少爷李宏毅 还有校园最可爱美丽的扛把子邢菲组成的“初七夫妇”可以说是撩拨了无数粉丝的心。如今《恶魔少爷别吻我》第二季终定档也算是给亲爱的粉丝们一个交待。《恶魔少爷别吻我》第二季终定档。