- 刘少奇的小儿子,刘源,写过一本《你所不知道的刘少奇》﹐介绍了少奇许多鲜为人知的一面;这一部十集政论片《刘少奇与新中国:只要马克思再给我十年》可以看作是它的续篇。以艺术形式来论述刘少奇的建国思路和治国方略﹐虽不免挂一漏万﹐但在研究刘少奇思想遗产方面﹐无疑是别开生面﹐相信会引起更多人的理论兴趣。本片通过反映刘少奇等老一辈革…
- The room of a weird couple of foreigners is displayed on a monitor. Both have an extramarital affair with the same waitress. When they discover they cheated on each other, they find harmony again.
- After a spate of dreadful Brit' crime thrillers, finally a (semi) original crime based caper with a rom-com edge.Fine performance from Chiwtel Ejiofor as the luckless Nicky, an ex-con who finds himself trapped between the police, gang boss Rameez, psycho thug Mickey (an insane Beesley), and Fitch (Bolam) a throw-back t…