- 延续前一集的剧情,狮子亚历克斯(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 配音)、斑马马蒂(克里斯·洛克 Chris Rock 配音)、长颈鹿迈尔曼(大卫·休默 David Schwimmer 配音)、河马格洛里亚(贾达·萍克·史密斯 Jada Pinkett Smith 配音)以及企鹅们,为了能离开马达加斯加岛回到五光十色的纽约,对一架破旧的失事飞机进行维修改造,并成功起飞。当大家已…
- In the 1830's, the island of Quemada in the Antilles is a Portuguese colony - that is, until an English agent provocateur arrives and inspires the black slaves to rise and expel the colonial authorities. However, as is always the way with revolutions, a group of middle-class power brokers seizes political control and t…
- A young and brave girl after her father's death decides to continue her father's trade, carrying people and things with his boat. Thus she will be able to feed her 6 brothers/sisters. However the islanders do not trust a woman to carry them: they prefer her father's competitor, another boatman. The priest of the villag…