- Street Sharks is an American animated television series about crime-fighting half-man/half-sharks similar to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It was produced by DIC Entertainment from 1994 to 1995. Later in 1996 the Street Sharks teamed up with the Dino Vengers (an early and vastly different-in-origin incarnation of t…
- 一只海豚将要出生在位于澳大利亚西部鲨鱼湾的危险水域。冰雪聪明的海豚母亲puck必须运用自己的技能来保护她刚出生的孩子,以免遭每年涌入海湾的鲨鱼侵袭。在其他雌性海豚的帮助下,puck必须将生存的秘诀教给易受攻击的海豚宝宝。这段影片详细记录了宽吻海豚的生活习性。(文-luckymule from VeryCD)