华纳兄弟将推出一部关于圆明园被掠文物在欧洲失窃案的电影《中国艺术品大劫案》(The Great Chinese Art Heist)。 该片由《惊天魔盗团2》《摘金奇缘》《特种部队2》导演朱浩伟执导,改编自Alex W. Palmer撰写的2018年《GQ》杂志文章,聚焦前几年在枫丹白露等多家欧洲博物馆发生的中国文物失窃案。这些案件中,被偷的主要是1860年法国人从圆明…
Two high school basketball players who have suffered significant tragedies in their lives. The boys' unlikely friendship and one's love for a special woman enable each of them to overcome the burdens of their past and embrace a different path for themselves. Written by Ceaser2
Slavik, a homeless man from Russia, finds himself in Gogol’s places near Sorochyntsi. In order to survive the winter, he becomes friends with Ninka, an older woman. However, he underestimates the scale of her personality and the peculiarit…