这部筹备中的新片叫作《动画美国》(Animated American),鲍勃·库柏(Bob Cooper)也将担任制片人,而创作过动画片《公主与青蛙》(Princess and the Frog)剧本的罗伯·爱德华兹(Rob Edwards)将为该片编剧。 《动画美国》讲述的是,在一个动画与真人共存的世界,一对人类夫妇收养了一个动画婴儿,这个孩子长到18岁时决定去寻找他的生…
据外媒报道,被DC粉丝戏称为【打架版戈登】的本·麦肯锡讲主演美国传奇投球手R·A·迪基(R.A. Dickey)写的自传回忆录小说:无论我走到哪里(Wherever I Wind Up),R.A.迪基在这本回忆录中讲述了他不太可能的大联盟之旅,编织了灼热的诚实和棒球洞察力。作为田纳西大学的英语专业学生,迪基在任何体育运动中都像任何职业运动员一样口齿清晰、…
A hacker exposes the criminal cover-up of a teenage girl who was sexually assaulted by a high school football players and ends up facing a harsher prison term than the rapists.
Esso is caught in a deadly feud and on the verge of expulsion when he realizes he has an unexpected gift: access to a world where he can see glimpses of the past and the future.