- 英文名:Alison Court
- 性别:女
- 职业:演员,配音,制片人
- 国籍:加拿大
- 星座:天蝎座
- 出生日期:1973年11月09日
- 出生地区:加拿大,安大略省,多伦多
- 介绍:Alyson Stephanie Court[3] (born November 9, 1973) is a Canadian actress and voice actress. She is best known as Loonette the Clown on The Big Comfy Couch (1992 - 2002);[1] and as the voices of Jubilee from X-Men: The Animated Series (1992 - 1997), and Claire Redfield from the Resident Evil video game series.[4][5]