搜索 Żmijewski

  • Franz Maurer, a compromised cop, former officer of the criminal department of the Warsaw's police, is released from prison where he was doing time for his brutality and murders. He is awaited by the New, his fellow-policeman. Franz tries to go straight starting hard work in a steel mill. Nevertheless, he must leave the…
  • 电影动作
    埃及的叛军领袖史梅恩的妻子和孩子被英国人绑架了,为了救出自己的亲人,并且与英国人对峙,他派人将苏伊士运河工程师的孩子,15岁的斯达西和8岁的尼尔绑架,企图作为人质进行交换,他们的父亲很快发现孩子被绑架,组织了一个营救队进行营救。  两个孩子还没有被交到史梅恩手上,叛军已经攻破了囚禁史梅恩妻子与孩子的城市,史梅恩派了一个白…
  • 小男孩麦斯克的祖母突然离开祖父与别的男人私奔,麦斯克与爸爸不得不从国外赶回来寻找祖母。家庭危机将为爷孙三代带来怎样意想不到的变化?
  • Lawa is a screen adaptation of Dziady (Forefathers' Eve), a nineteenth-century verse drama by Adam Mickiewicz. The work depicts Poland under the Russian rule during the nineteenth century, interweaving political and personal drama with a semi-pagan rite during which needy souls communicate with the living on the night …